Training videos with presentations describing some of the main components developed in the bIoTope project are provided below introducing many of the core bIoTope technologies for developing innovative IoT solutions. Click on any of the above links to open the training video in a new window.
- bIoTope Reference Architecture for Smart Cities - provides an overview of the entire bIoTope reference platform and each of the components that comprise the various services that can be constructed for delivering new IoT applications and services. Each of the services are introduced along with the components that are used for providing the services for building advanced IoT systems using a system-of-systems approach.
- bIoTope O-MI and O-DF Standards - these standards from The Open Group have been developed to fill an interoperability gap for IoT devices and systems. The Open Messaging Interface (O-MI) defines a message envelope, whereas The Open Data Format (O-DF) specifies the content. Both are fundamental building blocks for developing bIoTope IoT solutions.
- Creating and O-MI / O-DF Wrapper - describes how to incorporate within bIoTope solutions external data sources such as native IoT devices that communicate using heterogeneous, often proprietary protocols. The training module describes how to use wrappers to integrate these sources within the bIoTope ecosystem implemented as external agents in an O-MI node.
- Marketplace Service Catalogue and Integration - the IoTBnB (IoT service puBlication and Billing) component is developed as a marketplace that serves as a service catalogue within the bIoTope ecosystem. This marketplace was developed as a means to assist the two stakeholders of the ecosystem: IoT data/service produces/publishers and IoT data/service consumers. The marketplace permits searching and consumption of IoT generated data streams or services with potentially the objective to re-use them.
- bIoTope Context awareness as a Service framework - provides an overview of the bIoTope context management system called Context-as-a-Service (CoaaS) and its associated software components. The module uses detailed examples of how the CoaaS technologies are applied for typical IoT systems including the real-time context query engine, context storage management system, and data stream monitoring for situation reasoning.
- bIoTope Knowledge as a Service framework - provides a reference architecture for the knowledge discovery and sensor fusion for IoT systems. Most of the scientific computing and data science libraries that offer a Python API become accessible in a unified manner inside the KnaaS framework.
- bIoTope User Interface as a Service framework - describes the user interaction patterns and user interface widgets provided for IoT solutions that can be distributed in a user friendly manner and are easy to deploy using a graphical tool for both the end users and the UIaaS developers. Moreover, UIaaS strives for providing an envoirnment for UIaaS developers for data integration with the existing Linked Data technologies.
- bIoTope Identity Management and Authentication framework - provides an identity based secure communication method, which provides point-to-point communications and authentication between two entities, which have a unique identifier. These entities are typically devices, such as an Air Handling Unit or a smartphone. The underlying framework takes care of security functionalities like key management, authentication, encryption, certificates and tokens.
- Creating a connector for O-MI / O-DF data visualisation - visualisation in bIoTope is used for producing end-user dashboards and as well as maintaining the set of widgets (composition and 2D and 3D UI Widgets) in the context of a bIoTope solution.The bIoTope technologies are easily integrated with popular tools and this training demonstrates linking with Grafana for analytics and monitoring.